Monday, February 13, 2012

Preview of Annotated Bibliography:

My content area is Art. I will be teaching a unit on Impressionism to 11th grade students. To supplement and enrich this unit, I will be incorporating the following three trade books:

House, J. and Hopkins, D. (2007). Impressionists by the Sea. London: Royal Academy Books.

Sabbeth, C. (2002). Monet and the Impressionists for Kids: Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities. Chicago: Chicago Review Press

Rothkopf, K., Brettell, R., Moffett, C. (1996). Impressionists on the Seine: A Celebration of Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party. Counterpoint

1 comment:

  1. I looked at the book, "Monet and the Impressionists for Kids." This seems like a wonderful book to include in a classroom. I do agree with the author, that "no period of art is better loved or more available to children than Impressionism."
